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Mastering Time: 5 Tactics of Time-Management that an Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Updated: Apr 19

Have you ever been curious how some people seem to get more done in a day than there are hours available? They run businesses, pursue hobbies, and still hang around with their friends and family. What is the secret behind it all? It lies in mastering time management. For entrepreneurs, managing time does not mean squeezing tasks into each day; rather it means being smarter rather than harder. Let us go through five key approaches to time management that could help any entrepreneur find value for every passing second.

Man pointing at clock, time management
Tactics of Time-Management that an Entrepreneur Needs to Know

1. Prioritize Your Tasks

Imagine a basket that you have filled with rocks, pebbles, and sand. If you start with the sand, there will be no room left for big rocks. The big rocks represent your main tasks while the pebbles are less important ones and the sand represents little stuff that can hold up well till later (Morris 2017). Start your mornings by tackling the big rocks first. This way, you give your energy and focus to the most critical tasks.

2. Break It Down

Confronting a huge task may feel as if one is standing at the bottom of a mountain. It is intimidating! The trick here would be breaking it into smaller steps just like creating paths that lead uphill. Instead of having “launch a business” on your things-to-do list, include certain tasks such as research on competitors or write a business plan among others (Morris 2017). Not only does this make these activities less daunting but also comes up with an easy means of getting through them.

3. Set Time Limits

Sometimes you will discover that some activities seem to take forever especially those boring ones. Setting limits for each activity keeps one focused and efficient by treating each task like its own mini-game where one aims at defeating the clock (Morris 2017). Moreover, this technique assists in preventing perfectionism; sometimes what is done is better than perfect.

4. Learn to Say No

Time is a very precious resource and there are only 24 hours in one day. Saying no should be learned. Should you be invited to a meeting where your contribution is not necessary or someone wants to have talk during your quality working time, it is okay for you to decline (Morris 2017). Remember that each yes given towards a less important thing becomes a no towards something that can move you closer to your set targets.

5. Use Tools and Technology

We reside in a world that has so many tools and technologies made to make our lives easier; why don’t we use them? These include calendar apps reminding us of meetings or project management tools keeping track of tasks among others. Such resources enable us to stay focused on our desired path, keep things checked out around our priorities at times of great distraction as well as being used for blocking off directives when we need super focus.

Time management goes beyond just time-keeping but rather about self-management. It requires practice, patience, and tenacity as an art. By prioritizing tasks, breaking them down into smaller steps, setting time limits, learning to say no, and leveraging tools and technology, you can take control of your time and achieve more than you ever thought possible. Therefore dear young entrepreneurs begin mastering the clock today who knows how far you’ll go tomorrow!

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